Thursday, February 28, 2008

Maybe half a dozen

Okay, we are all set for egg retrieval (ER) tomorrow! At the u/s yesterday, this is what they saw:

Right ovary: 23, 19, 18, 18 (and 16, 14, 12)
Left ovary: 20, 19 (and 16, 16, 16, 16, 12, 12, 11)
Lining: 16
Estradiol: 2518
Progesterone: 1.9, up from 1.4 on Monday

I put the smaller follicles in parentheses because they probably will not be mature at the ER. There was talk about pushing me one more day on stims to give those 16's more time, and my hormone levels are good, but Dr. D decided not to risk it. I am already late in the cycle by one day, there is always a chance my estrogen could spike, and we have enough mature eggs right now to go forward. HK and I are totally fine with our half dozen, and I am getting so crazy on these shots that I am happy to be done!

So last night I did the trigger shot at exactly 8 pm, plus one last injection of Lupron, and today I am blissfully shot free. Ahhh. HK took his antibiotics last night (aww, he had to swallow a couple pills, poor guy! Hmm, do you detect a note of bitterness? Sorry, sweetie.), and I will take the same tonight. No food or drink after midnight, and we have to be there at 7:30 am.

Please pray for everything to go smoothly and for a good fertilization report!


tobacco brunette said...

I hope your fertilization report brings good news. Good luck!

Kathy said...

Thanks, tb! I am going to go check out your blog...

kaaron said...

I am so glad you have a good number of eggs! Everything is looking good! Am really excited for you. Hope they all fertilize and you've got a few to work with. And I am willing to bet a couple of those 16s will catch up.

Alison said...

I'm betting that you'll get more than a half dozen :) Good luck at the retrieval tomorrow!

A - said...

Will say a prayer for your ER tomorrow! I'll be following your progress through that positive beta :) I posted on my blog in response to your comment about the hair dye. Hope it helps!

Steph said...

Good luck tomorrow!

kaaron said...

Thinking about you this morning! Hope everything went really well!