Monday, March 3, 2008

Allow me to introduce you...

Everyone, meet Uno: a Day 3, Grade 4, 7-cell embryo, currently residing!
The transfer today went really well. When I got there, Dr. D was kind enough to spend some time with me, answering questions and talking about how the retrieval had gone. He shared our disappointment that we didn't get more good eggs, but was pleased to tell me what a great egg we got.
He said he called the lab an hour before my transfer to check on the status of Uno. If the embryo looked poor, he would have put the transfer on hold for two more days, to make sure it was going to keep growing. I appreciated this bit of common sense. If the embryo wasn't developing like it should and didn't make it to day 5, it would save us two weeks of anticipation and extra hormones just to hear some bad news. But our Uno is doing just what it is supposed to do. By day three, they like to see 6 to 8 cells, and we have 7. You can count them in the picture.
Also, if you look closely, you can see just a shadow of a border around the cells. If any fragmentation of this "shell" were visible, that would indicate a lesser quality embryo. This embryo got a grade of 4 out of 5, with 5 apparently being pretty rare. Way to go, Uno!
So, with everything looking so good, we went ahead with the transfer, and as Kaaron said, I am now "with embryo"! Closest I have been so far to being pregnant, and it is pretty darn exciting.
After the transfer was over and I was alone in my little changing room, I laid there a while, praying and crying a few tears of gratitude.
On the drive over, I had been thinking of each person I knew who was praying and hoping for this embryo to be a baby in our arms, 9 months from now. From HK and me, thanks for being our cheering crowd, for helping us carry this burden, and for sitting with us while we wait.
Now, bear with me for one more thought: Look at the picture again, and think about how that could be a photograph of YOU a jillion days ago. We ALL started out like that. It totally boggles my mind. What a frickin' miracle.


kaaron said...

Uno looks wonderful! So glad the transfer went well for you and HK. It is a really powerful thought when you think of all those that are praying for you.

r e c said...

Congrats on being with embryo! you guys have been on our minds and we have been a prayin' and a hopin' and a sendin' good thoughts and vibes your way!

tobacco brunette said...

Uno is gorgeous. So glad everything went well. When is your beta?

A - said...

Your embryo is just beautiful. Sending you tons of implantation vibes... best of luck to you!

::thule:: said...

amazing.. absolutely amazing! ily.

sara said...

Saw you on kaaron's site and I just wanted to sincerely wish you the best of luck and prayers. Our first IVF retrieval is this Monday, wish us luck.