Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Allow me to introduce you... Eli!

Elias was born late in the night on Monday, November 17th, happy and healthy.

What started as a routine office visit at the OB Monday morning ended as an emergency c-section 14 hours later. The day didn't go quite as we thought it would, but it ended with us holding our precious new son, and that's all that matters.

We are so blessed, so thankful for this precious miracle!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pregnant pause

Yesterday officially felt like my first day of maternity leave, since I don't work on Mondays. Now the waiting has truly begun.

How long will Uno make us wait? His arrival might feel less imminent if the doctor hadn't reported that I was dilated between 3 and 4 cm on Monday. I asked how my cervix can be that open without any real contractions, and she said the baby's head pressing on the cervix, along with cramping, can do that. Sweet. Three cm already with no pain -- I am grateful.

I saw the doula that afternoon for my "labor preparation massage," and when she heard the doctor's report she asked me how soon I wanted this baby to come. I told her I was ready any time. So, she did all she could to massage my hips to open and to get the baby down as far as possible. Afterwards, she said he could not get any further down without my water breaking. She also mentioned that once labor started, it would probably go quickly, so we shoudn't delay in heading to the hospital once the contractions were regular and close enough together. I left there very relaxed and resolved to finish packing my hospital bag that night, which I did.

Since then, nothing. I know it could be another week or so...or, it could be today. Quite a "pregnant pause" this time of waiting. I have lots of little things to keep me busy - finsh thank you notes, work on the quilts, do laundry, go through some piles of junk, shop online for Christmas presents, play around with my new account (now that's addicting), etc. Watch "West Wing" reruns on Bravo. Try to think up new names for Uno.... But it's not like I get fully immersed in any activity to the point of losing awareness of what I am waiting for.

I really can't wait for him to get here now. Hope to see you soon, Uno! Whenever you are ready! We are praying for you and can't wait to meet you.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Crafty Kathy - a couple finished projects

I finished the scarf for my sister and plan to mail it off to her tomorrow. Here it is, with a close up of the stitch:

I also finished two "hugs". These are one-yard flannel blankets that my local quilt shop collects and donates to the local hospitals for the preemie babies. I am going to make a Christmas one for Uno. : )

I am looking forward to seeing Dr. S tomorrow and hoping to hear there's been some progress since last week. I have almost no energy and am feeling very good about the fact that Thursday was my last day at work. My job is wonderful, but I was definitely ready to start my leave and use what little mental energy I have these days for the final baby prep efforts. After my OB appoinment, I am scheduled for a massage with the doula. Definitely looking forward to that.

Monday, November 3, 2008

37 Weeks = Full Term!

If Uno were a roasting turkey, his "doneness" button would have popped up yesterday. We reached 37 weeks, and he is officially full term and good to go. I am feeling huge, uncomfortable and tired, so I am looking forward to getting him out when that time comes.

I saw the OB this morning, and there is no change in my cervix from last week. I was hoping for a little more progress, but status quo is probably a good thing if it means I am more likely to get through the week without going into labor, so I can finish up at work.

Tonight HK and I plan to pack the hospital bag. Yesterday, a friend from church came over and took some maternity pictures for us, to document my largeness. : ) That was fun, and I can't wait to see the pictures.