Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday night

We have had the computer over a week now, and it's wonderful to have internet connection at home again. I'm paranoid about getting robbed again and want to hide it under the couch when we're not home, but so far I am resisting that urge. We have decided to stop using a housecleaner, to save $$ for Uno gear, and I am making myself trust the cleaning lady to return our key after we let her go instead of cleaning us out, or giving access to someone else to do it. Sigh. It's hard to trust again.

I thought I would jump right back into my online community, but so far, no. I want to, but I feel like there is so little time in the day. Guess I will just try to ease back into it.

I am in the third trimester now. Cause for celebration, all is well.

But what's really on my mind tonight is my very close friend who just had a miscarriage, at 11 weeks. I'm so full of sadness for her and her husband. So is HK. There is no way to fully express this terrible loss.


sara said...

I'm sorry to hear about your friend, and hope she is doing okay. Congrats on the third trimester - how time is flying! I hope your cleaning lady returns the key safe and sound :-)

kaaron said...

I am so very sorry to hear about your friend and her miscarriage. I hope she is doing as well as can be expected.

Am so sorry you are experiencing some trust issues after the robbery. Hopefully it will fade with time. :(